Glory Story


The story to glory

Is written in print of

Discomfort and hardwork.

Letters of sacrifice,

Faith and perseverance.


The genre is suspense,

Thriller and poetry;

Romance and horror;

Drama and legend;

All in one plot.


It’s a plot twisted

The end is fantasy;

As the dream is fiction

The process, non-fiction

As the chapters transition


The theme is simply this:

No guts, no glory.

Like in a video game,

Hurdles show up.

You have to jump or smash

The third option: quit.


In the glory story,

You can pause, but don’t quit.

There’s a script to follow.

Different scenes to produce

Like a film in series:

Of seasons and phases.


Some seasons are painful

Some play out to be sweet

Some you’ll wish fast-forward

Some you want on repeat

But each scene has it’s time

Each season, it’s period.


The message is unique,

For each season and scene,

For a complete story

You have to act them all.

You play a major role,

None can do it for you.


The protagonist you are

Yup! You’re the superstar

You become the legend,

When the story completes

So do hold on. Don’t stop

Your story’s all on you.

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