21-11-2016 : Phases

Held in traffic, hungry, a bit tired and very uncomfortable, I looked through the window of the interstate “danfo” bus in which I sat, sandwiched with 11 other passengers and a scruffy looking conductor. I knew I had had it. I wasn’t sure I could take more, I wasn’t even willing to. The memoirs of my life as a Lagos …

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This is not a narrative of lamentation, it’s my expression of hope against doubt. I’m convinced that I’m not the only one who’s thinking this way, a number of young persons are climbing life ladders hoping they’re not on the wrong one. I don’t think anyone has it all figured out, we’re all proceeding one step after the other.

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Today I see persons less privileged and I acknowledge God’s favour shinning upon me. Really, I’m as human as they and was born no more innocent than they were. They didn’t get to choose their families and neither did I. They didn’t get to choose their growth  environment and the persons they meet in life neither did I. We all just found ourselves in life backgrounds we grew in.  Really I did nothing to earn the background I got.  

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